ED Encapsulated Data

Datatype Release_1RealmFlavors

Registered Attributes and Child Elements

@Attribute / ElementCardinalityDatatype
@compression ( DF | GZ | Z | ZL )optionalcs
@integrityCheckAlgorithm ( SHA-1 | SHA-256 )optionalcs
@representation ( B64 | TXT )optionalcs
hl7:reference0 .. 1TEL
hl7:thumbnail0 .. 1thumbnail

Core Schematron Rules (CSR)

The following rules are defined in the base core schematrons ( errors, warnings and infos).

Rule ID: ED

Extends Rule(s): BIN

integrityCheckAlgorithm required if integrityCheckdtr1‑2‑ED
thumbnails not null and referencedtr1‑3‑ED
thumbnails do not have thumbnailsdtr1‑4‑ED
compression only on binarydtr1‑5‑ED
value implies mediaType is text/plaindtr1‑6‑ED
no history or updateModedtr1‑7‑ED
no charset for value or xmldtr1‑8‑ED
no nested translationsdtr1‑9‑ED
no mediaType if nulldtr1‑10‑ED
no charset if nulldtr1‑11‑ED
no language if nulldtr1‑12‑ED
no compression if nulldtr1‑13‑ED
no integrityCheck if nulldtr1‑14‑ED
no integrityCheckAlgorithm if nulldtr1‑15‑ED
no thumbnail if nulldtr1‑16‑ED
no translation if nulldtr1‑17‑ED
@language SHALL conform to RFC 3066. This usually has format sss?-CC with sss? for language code (ISO-639-1 / ISO-639-2) and optional CC for country code (conform ISO-3166 alpha-2)dtr1‑18‑ED
Last Update:
Contributors: dr Kai U. Heitmann