Tree View on Templates
All templates of a Project are shown as usual in a Navigation Card to the left of the Templates Panel. All Templates are arranged by their type, such as CDA Document Level Type, CDA Header Level type etc.
Template Reference, i. e. definitions drawn from another Building Block Repository for re-use, are denoted appropriately with a link symbol.
The Tree can be filtered, completely expanded or collapsed and the menu item offers to create a new Template (using Prototypes or from scratch), to establish a new Reference to a foreign Template, or to clone an existing Template in the Project.
When adding a Template based on a Prototype, a search dialog offers all reachable Template Definitions to be used as the starting Protype for the new Template Design.
Template Metadata
Template Metadata appears on the right detail area of the Template Panel. Next to the description, the usual version data is shown such as id, display name, status, version and label. Context of the id is shown and any Top Level Reference Label that is used throughout the design. A classification is displayed, and the new Tag features allows Template Designers to classify their Template with tags.
Most of these items are directly editable (microscervices).
Also Usage, Relationships and Examples are shown here.
Editing Template Examples
The Example editor allows adding and editing examples. Each example may have a title, type and XML body.
The cogwheel in the upper right corner 1 gives access to all available actions:
- Add a new example
- Remove an existing example
- Auto-generate a new example
The copy button 2 allows you to easily copy the XML body to the clipboard.
Editing the Template Design Body
The Template Design Body is shown at the bottom of the right side. You can exapand or collapse the definition tree.
For Project Authors an Edit button appears that switches the Template Design Body into the edit mode.
There is a SAVE and a CANCEL button1.
Once editing the Design Body you may go back and forth in edit history using the UNDO and REDO buttons2.
A line shows the Template Elements, Attributes, Includes, Choices, etc. Next to the name, the Structure Context Menu is shown3 (details see below) that allows structural changes such as adding items above, into or under existing items, deleting, selecting and deselecting items, depending on the context. This menu is followed line-wise by the datatype, cardinaity and conformance (see "In-column edits" below).
The Description and Constraint Column4contains further descriptions and shows the constraints defined for the line item.
Finally, a Property Context Menu5offers options to edit the properties of the corresponding line item.
Please note, that the underlying Template (Model, Prototype) may have additional items that are not selected in the current Design. Nonetheless the unselected items from the underlying model are grayed-out and may be selected and the edited, selected items may be unselected. In the example below, the frist templateId
is selected and refined, the second one is unselected (thus grayed-out).
The new editing functions, offering three manners of editing a Template Design Body, introducing Structural Editing, Property Editing and In-column Editing, are described now in more detail.
Template Structure Context Menu
The Structure Context Menu is used to alter the structure of the Template Design. Depending on the context it offers options to add new Elements or Attributes (above, into or behind existing items), to clone a line item, insert includes or choices, select and deselect an item and deal with schematron instructions such as let, assert and report.

Please note that, once an include is added for example, its properties are changed using the Property Context Menu.
Template Property Context Menu
The Property Context Menu is used to alter properties of the corresponsing line item in the Template Design. The options are context and content sensitive thus may vary from line item to line item. As an example, if you are editing the properties of an element, you add, alter or delete a datatype, add or edit the containment or examples etc. The list for an attribute is shorter, e.g. you cannot add a single example for an attribute only.

As an example, of the usage of the Property Context Menu consider you have an element code
defined in your template where you want to add an Example. The definition of the element looks like this.
If you go to the Property Context Menu and use "Insert Example", you get the folllowing dialog.

This let you add an example to the list manually, delete an example from the list, or ask the Example Wizzard to generate an example. Once added you can save it and it appears immediately as a property of your element.
In-column edits
The columns datatype, cardinality and conformance allow direct editing in the respective column.

The datatype is context and content sensitive and offers all options to change a datatype of an item1. In the example, A CD (Concept Descriptor datatype) may be refined to any of the datatypes in the list2. The "wisdom" for this list comes from the underlying datatype specification(s).
Also the cardinality may be changed in-column3. The typical situations are refelcted as a choice, e.g. 0..1
, 1..*
etc., but you may edit the cardinality also component-wise to define "unusual" cardinalties.

The conformance can also be edited In-column4.
A new Undo-Function has been added for the Template Design. Once editing the Design Body you may go back and forth in edit history of the current edit session using the UNDO / REDO buttons in the top buttons row.
There are three steps stored in the buffer, so you can undo work up to three steps. If there is no edit history, the buttons are disabled.
Explicit Template Predicates / Slices
Templates with choices typically carry predicates or slices to distinguish between the different elements in the choice. In cases of template containment or inclusion, the schematron engine automatically creates implicit predicates / slices based on the content. In other cases there is no automatism, so the predicates / slices need to be specifed explicitly.
In CDA Template Designs the predicate/slice can be anything, just constructed through an XPath expression.
Most common options are predicate/slice based on
- datatype (offer this option if the elements has a datatype), leads to something like
- containment (although created automatically the user could have the desire to make it explicit, offer if containment specified), lead to something like
attribute, e.g. of II types elements likeid
, leads to something like[@root='']
- position, such as the first the second element etc, leads to something like
For Temple users also this kind of predicate/slice is then possible (entered with care): [hl7:id[matches(@root,'^2.16.840.1.113883.2.9.2.')]
or [hl7:id[matches(@extension,'^ENI[A-Za-z0-9]{1,13}$')]
In FHIR Profiling there are five different processing types for discriminators to achieve a predicate/slice.
The slices have different values in the nominated element, as determined by the applicable fixed value, pattern, or required ValueSet binding.
This is the most commonly used discriminator type: to decide based on the value of an element as specified by a fixed value, a pattern value, or a required value set binding. Typical example: slice on the value of Patient.telecom.system
, for values phone, email, or slice on the value of Observation.code
, for values LOINC codes 1234-5, 4235-8 etc.
The slices are differentiated by the presence or absence of the nominated element. There SHALL be no more than two slices. The slices are differentiated by the fact that one must have a max of 0 and the other must have a min of 1 (or more). The order in which the slices are declared doesn't matter.
This is not used commonly - it only has 2 values, so not much discrimination power. It's mainly used as an adjunct slicing criteria along with other discriminators. Elements used like this are mostly complex backbone elements. The slices are differentiated by the presence or absence of the nominated element. There SHALL be no more than two slices. The slices are differentiated by the fact that one must have a max of 0 and the other must have a min of 1 (or more). The order in which the slices are declared doesn't matter. Typical example: slice on the pattern of Observation.code and the presence of Observation.component.
The slices have different values in the nominated element, as determined by the applicable fixed value, pattern, or required ValueSet binding. This has the same meaning as 'value' and is deprecated.
This code means the same as value, and is retained for backwards compatibility reasons
The slices are differentiated by type of the nominated element.
Used to match slices based on the type of the item. While it can be used with polymorphic elements such as Observation.value[x]
, mostly it is used with Resource types on references, to apply different profiles based on the different resource type. Typical example: slice on the type of List.item.resolve()
for the types Patient, RelatedPerson.
The slices are differentiated by conformance of the nominated element to a specified profile. Note that if the path specifies .resolve() then the profile is the target profile on the reference. In this case, validation by the possible profiles is required to differentiate the slices.
Used to match slices based on the whether the item conforms to the specified profile. This provides the most power, since the full range of profiling capabilities are available, but it is also the hardest to implement, and requires the most processing (>1000-fold compared to the others). Implementers should use this only where absolutely required. Typical example: slice on the type of Composition.section.entry().resolve()
for the profiles Current-Clinical-Condition, Past-Medical-Event, etc.
For that purpose one can add, edit or remove predicates / slices to elements while editing a Template using the Property Context Menu.

The following example my illustrate the need of explicit predicates / slices.
In a choice with three hl7:effectiveTime
elements all of them need an explicit predicate / slice so that e. g. validation can work properly. Each of the equally named elements in the choice gets a predicate / slice, e.g. based on the xsi:type
data type attribute specification such as IVL_TS
Using the Property Context Menu allows to add a predicate / slice. A dialog appears that allows adding or editing. The same Property Context Menu offers a remove option if a predicate / slice already exist for that element.

Predicates / slices are displayed using the where clause.

Template Choices
A choice of elements can be created during Template editing using the Structure Context Menu.
A dialog appears that offers you all Template eklements on the same level to choose from which one(s) shall be moved into the new choice. A new choice is created with the elements chosen in the dialog.

Other elements can be created into the choice or next to existing elements in the choice.

When deleting a choice in the template editor the elements in the choice wqill be re-arranged in the template design. They will all replace the choice element at the same location. The following example shows a selection of four hl7:effectiveTime
elements. When removeing the choice, all four elements are psoitioned where the former choice was located.
Before removal:

After removal:

Template Associations Panel
The new Template Associations Panel offers a new look-and-feel to create links between a logical concept in a dataset or scenario and a technical artefact such as HL7 Templates or Template components. The new Panel is offering read operations on all existing associations, in subrelease 3.5.1 it allows – next to see a listings – also creation, update and deletion of associations by simple drag-and-drop creation of associations.

In principle, the Panel allows you to select a Dataset or Scenario 1, the content is shown in the left Navigation Bar 2. Please note that concepts that have an association with a Template or Template Element are in bold face.
The right Navigation Bar 3 shows all Templates of the Project, as usual grouped by type. Both the left and the right Navigation Bar can be expanded with one click.
The area denoted by 4 will carry the details of the selected Dataset / Scenario concept, the Template and of course the actual mappings/associations. For example if you select Person––Date of birth on the left Dataset details, the middel area shows the following details.

The top middel area shows some details of the selected concept. The midde part shows the Template were the mapping/association points to. Finally, the lower part depicts the mapping/association between the selected concept and the Template/Template element.
When clicking on a Template in the Templates Navigation Bar,...

...it morphs the Navigation Bar (showing all Templates) to display the selected Template Element hierarchy.
An association can be created when a concept and a Template or Template Element is selected. You simply take the part of the Template, drag it into the middle area and drop it there.

The Template Association is then created and displayed as follows in the lower middle card. It can be deleted by simply click on the X button in the arrow.