Setup and Maintenance Support

Depending on what you want to establish on your (local) server you need follow a few steps for installation. You can install a server with ART-DECOR Release 3 only, a server with both ART-DECOR Release 3 and Release 2 (a so-called duplex server) or you can run installations to create a ART-DECOR Release 2 only server.


Please note that all ART-DECOR Release 2 components reach End of Service/Support (EOSL) by the end of 2023.

ART-DECOR Release 3 only


This installation is recommended.

  1. Install Database Backend, following the ART-DECOR eXist-DB database backend installer scripts.
  2. Install VUE Frontend and proxy ART-DECOR Release 3, folllwing the ART-DECOR Vue Frontend and http-proxy installation instructions.
  3. Look after the eXist scheduled jobs required or recommended for ART-DECOR and configure the scheduled jobs.

ART-DECOR Release 3 and Release 2


This installation establishes a hybrid or duplex server. Please note the End of Service/Support (EOSL) note for Release 2 components above.

  1. Install Database Backend, following the ART-DECOR eXist-DB database backend installer scripts.
  2. Install VUE Frontend and proxy ART-DECOR Release 3, folllwing the ART-DECOR Vue Frontend and http-proxy installation instructions.
  3. Install Orbeon/Tomcat Frontend ART-DECOR Release 2, following the ART-DECOR Release 2 Orbeon and Tomcat installation instructions.
  4. Look after the eXist scheduled jobs required or recommended for ART-DECOR and configure the scheduled jobs.

ART-DECOR Release 2


Please note the End of Service/Support (EOSL) note for Release 2 components above.

  1. Install Database Backend, following the ART-DECOR eXist-DB database backend installer scripts.
  2. Install Orbeon/Tomcat Frontend ART-DECOR Release 2, following the ART-DECOR Release 2 Orbeon and Tomcat installation instructions.
  3. Look after the eXist scheduled jobs required or recommended for ART-DECOR and configure the scheduled jobs.

User Data Migration

If you need to convert "older" exist-db data into a newer, not binary-compatible version, follow our Migration Instructions

CRON trigger

If needed, please consult detailed information about the CRON trigger methodology used by ART-DECOR.

Database Recovery

If the database gets corrupted you may want to try Database Recovery using the eXist-DB Recovery Methods.

Last Update:
Contributors: dr Kai U. Heitmann