As part of the overall migrations to new Versions and Releases, ART-DECOR software and data for the backend (e. g. the eXist database) and for Release 2 is typically organized its Repositories and is installed using the eXist-db Package Manager. The default repository URL points to the eXist-db public repository, this needs to be changed to point to the public repository residing at
For most of our users updates and upgrades on our servers happen without further notice. Normally, our users simply use ART-DECOR or one of our servers,, or – for the starters and learners – on We simple take care of properly installed software on our servers.
If you use the tools on your own servers or local machines hosted by you and want to be up-to-date at any time, please have a look at this info chapter. – the place to be!
We have stable Release 2 and Release 3 master software availble for those you want stability and thoroughly tested and accepted software packages.
For all development work regarding Release 3 a development path for those you want to profit from the most recent nightly builds of the tool. All of the three repositories are organzied and located at
The formerly used repositories at are no longer available.
ART-DECOR Release 3
To use the stable ART-DECOR Release 3 backend use:
To use the development ART-DECOR Release 3 backend use:
ART-DECOR Release 2
For those who only want to use the backend repositories for Release 2, use:
Additional information
Unless you are interested in getting and using the most recent develeopment code we recommend to use the stable (master) branch.
We documented all of that in chapter Setup and Maintenance Support, esspecially in the repository change chapter for the backend.
All terminology packages are described at our Repository. As Terminology Packages for Release 2 and for Release 3 are different, the "Terminology Data" Packages are residing in the respective stable2 or stable3 / development3 repositories and are installed from there.