SC String with Codes

Datatype Release_1RealmFlavors

Registered Attributes and Child Elements

@Attribute / ElementCardinalityDatatype
@compression ( DF | GZ | Z | ZL )optionalcs
@integrityCheckAlgorithm ( SHA-1 | SHA-256 )optionalcs
@representation ( B64 | TXT )optionalcs
hl7:reference0 .. 1TEL
hl7:thumbnail0 .. 1thumbnail

Core Schematron Rules (CSR)

The following rules are defined in the base core schematrons ( errors, warnings and infos).

Rule ID: SC

Extends Rule(s): ST

code requires codeSystemdtr1‑2‑SC
codeSystemName only if codeSystemdtr1‑3‑SC
codeSystemVersion only if codeSystemdtr1‑4‑SC
displayName only if codedtr1‑5‑SC
no code if nulldtr1‑6‑SC
no displayName if nulldtr1‑7‑SC
Last Update:
Contributors: dr Kai U. Heitmann